Special Assembly at Thornton Primary School
A special Assembly was held at Thornton Primary school on Tuesday 14th July so that our Rt W Provincial Grand Master could present a cheque to the school.
The Special Assembly
Mrs Rachel Clements head teacher led the assembly and thanked the year 6 children for helping to raise money for their new computer suite but after all the fundraising and donations, some from local Mark and Craft Lodges the school was still short of the target.
Mrs Rachel Clements shows off the new smart charger
The West Lancashire Mark Fund stepped in to make up the balance with a donation of £2,584 to pay for 6 Acer Laptops and 2 Kensington Charging units for IPads. The full project, costing £7,200, was now complete and the children have a new state of the art computer suite to help with their learning and homework
Mrs Katheryn Lee receives the cheque from Rt. W Bro Keith Beardmore PGM
The Cheque was received by Mrs Kathryn Lee, Chair of the Parent Teacher & Friends Association, who was very grateful for the assistance from the local Mark Masons.
Representatives from most Mark Lodges on the Fylde Coast joined W John Forster the PGM’s Special Representative and W Bro Michael Clark Chair of the West Lancashire Mark Charity Fund.
The new Computer suite
Michael Clark said that the West Lancashire Mark Charity fund was pleased to be able to assist with this project.
Michael Clarke with one of the new Laptops
After the assembly the visitors were treated to refreshments and a tour of the new Computer suite.
Article & Photos Mike Casey